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By: Joel Howard
A Man Named Sean Patrick

I want to introduce you to one of my dear friends.
Sean Patrick, he could make you laugh in seconds. He would see you and then hide sometimes. He would see you and walk right by you looking up at the sky pretending he never saw you and you would do the same only to burst out laughing and turn around to shake hands or give each other a hug.
This is Sean Patrick, he sees someone in need and will give the shirt off his back to the person in need.
He believed loved could cause no ill effect, so all he did was love others. He was far from perfect, he would disassociate, get mad, be creepy at times. In 2019 I hung out with him more than anyone else in my life.
The winters are hard on homeless people. The first day I met him he, oh so shyly asked for a cup of coffee. His hands were shaking it was a bitter morning. He offered to pay, but I wouldn’t let him. Slowly, he began to come into Prosper every day.
It takes a long time for me to say I love you and mean it. I had gone home for Christmas at the end of 2018. It was a cold winter as all winters can be. I remember coming back and saying I love you to Sean. Over the years he has become a close friend that I love. I miss him.
When I wake up freezing my hands off in the snow being miserable for 2 minutes before my car heats up, I think of Sean.
If you would ask Sean the question, what is your story, you would be confused, and saddened. The cards dealt to him were terrible, scarcely knowing what love is, being taught a perverted version of it. Sean’s life was harder than mine will ever be. He struggled with drugs, anger, loneliness and many other things. Yet, we had such a great time together. He had such a kind heart, and yet he could hurt people when he lost it. He was a bundle of paradoxes just like me.
The picture above is of Sean and a gift he gave me. We are never quite sure how he acquired he gifts, we were pretty sure he stole every gift he gave us. He always tried to earn or offer things to pay for the food/ coffee/ friendship we would give him. I always told him his payment was come in tomorrow to say hi to me. I hoped one day he would learn that my love for him was not based on anything he did, or gave. My love for him was simple. I love Sean Patrick with no strings attached.
I don’t know where Sean is anymore. When I travel to Denver I take an hour to search for him in all the usual spots he tries to camp out before the cops would find him. There are so many Sean Patricks in the world. I hope you get to know one.
Spend time reading Isaiah 58:6-12 if you have another minute.