
Redemption Hills Church

Littleton, Colorado

Who We Are

Are you new to Redemption Hills Church? We’re pleased that you’re here! Redemption Hills is unabashedly and unapologetically gospel- centered with an outward focus on evangelism, discipleship and mission. We are this way because Jesus loved us first through His work at the Cross and commanded us to go make disciples. We believe all of life is for Jesus, and that the good news of the Gospel directs us in all we do. We complete that with a heart for the lost, the marginalized, and those who have little hope.

Our Vision

Communities transformed by the Gospel, thriving for generations through those sent out by Redemption Hills.

Our Mission

To know Jesus and make Him known by making disciples and bringing them to maturity in Christ.

We Are Gospel-Centered.

We are a Christian church with a Reformed view of salvation. We believe that all of life is for Jesus. We have been saved by grace through faith, which is itself a gift. That gift empowers us to be a transformed people who embody His redemptive power and participate in the renewal of all things.

We Are Non-Denominational

Redemption Hills Church is a non-denominational Christian Church. This means that a governing body of Elders provides structure, direction, and support for the flock and direction for each ministry. We welcome people from all backgrounds and accept all people where they may be in their walk.

Doctrinal Statement

The Bible As Our Guide…

We believe the Bible is the infallible and inerrant word of God, the supreme rule for faith and practice. The Bible came from the very mouth of God and is without error in the original autographs. Scripture is, therefore, the unique and supreme guide for all it affirms, including both belief and behavior.

Past Sermons

Our Pillars

We are a family. We are on mission. We yearn for personal and corporate growth. We worship Jesus wholeheartedly. We’re called to turn outward and give ourselves to the spreading of the gospel, the establishment of healthy local churches, and the multiplication of disciples.







Our Values

We value transparency to shed masks. We value humility as a reflection of Jesus. We value generosity because our time, treasure, and talent reflect a heart for God. We value prayerfulness because it drives all Christian life. We value graciousness because Jesus has been gracious in our own salvation.






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